Women’s Impact 2021
Join us this year as we mark an important anniversary & celebrate Swiss women’s impact.
“Women’s full and effective participation and decision-making in public life, as well as the elimination of violence, for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls.”
– Theme of the 2021 United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
Women make crucial contributions to every part of our society. You need look no further than the Covid-19 crisis to see the proof of this: women have been involved on the frontlines as medical professionals and first responders, as researchers engaged in vaccine development, as decisionmakers implementing policy solutions to bring us out of the crisis, as entrepreneurs adeptly responding to new a business environment, and in countless other capacities.
However, women’s stories too often go untold, their voices unheard, their impact overlooked. We will focus on amplifying these stories and voices, and creating spaces for important conversations.
As Switzerland marks the 50th anniversary of women’s suffrage in 2021, we’re using this opportunity to highlight Swiss women’s impact — not only in Switzerland and the United States, but around the globe. Efforts to advance women’s equality didn’t start 50 years ago, nor did they end 50 years ago. Progress has been made, but important work remains.
We’ll highlight how women are contributing across the board in the arts, politics, peacebuilding & conflict resolution, combatting climate change, technology, research & innovation, and so much more.
We will share these stories in innovative and engaging ways including conversations on Instagram Live, behind the scene videos, and more.
Follow along on our social media throughout the year for more information as we share stories and host conversations. We’ll also save all content on this page, so check back if you missed anything or want to learn more.
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram & LinkedIn
Iconic Swiss Women (coming soon)
Women in Conversation (coming soon)
Panel Discussions (coming soon)